fyp_week 14 : Presentation final year project

Today is the day. Today is 25 April 2013 is the big day for Final Year Project student and also today is Industrial Day at Gemilang Hall because today we had been to present our project to the accessors. Final year project Students also need to demo their own projects  and present the poster has been prepared before this.

Figure 1: Prototype of final year project

Figure 2: Picture after presentation final year project

fyp_week 13 : Prepare the poster

By this week,  I need to complete the poster for presentation on Industrial day next week. I need to prepared the poster and need to check by my supervisor and to make the correction before I go to print the poster. On the poster also, it need to include the Introduction, Objective, Methodology, Block Diagram, Result, References and also Conclusion. By refer on poster also, people can make their own conclusion about overall of my project such as the purpose of the project, how it's work and the results of the project.

Figure 1: Poster of Electronic Stethoscope

fyp_week 12 : check troubleshoot

In this week, what we plan is to check troubleshoot the circuit. But, at the same time, we decide to prepare FYP report. In the report, we need to follow the guidelines that can refer to website fyp.bmi.unikl.edu.my.

                So, after we to place circuit in a casing, the project do not function. we check and analyze that it's have a problem at the circuit. In our operation project, "when put stethoscope on heart the sound quite slow and cannot hear the heart sound" and our problem is there the component problematic.we also been solve problems that occur on the circuit.


fyp_week 11 : To place circuit in a casing

figure1: before the circuit placed in the casing

figure 2: put circuit in a casing and testing

fyp_week 10 : PCB drill and soldering

the PCB circuit board

Use this hand drill to drill hole in the PCB board

 soldering the circuit

This week we drill holes on the PCB board to insert the components and soldered the components. Then we must test it to make sure the circuit is completely functioning. We will have to troubleshoot if there are any problems with the circuit

fyp_week 8 and 9 : Pcb etching circuit electronic stethoscope


we design the circuit electronic stethoscope on express-PCB board

express-PCB board
printer laser jet

 transparent paper

we print circuits Electronic stethoscope that have been made on express-PCB board by using transparent paper and used the printer laser jet.


buy the PCB UV board. We cut PCB UV board to size demanded in circuit.


after cut the PCB UV board.we go to Lab etching and make the PCB UV board on the UV box. way used the UV box is set time at the UV box. we choose 60 second. result PCB UV you can see the gold line in PCB UV.


after used UV box. to remove the gold line is at PCB UV board. used the etched with a 220 g/l solution of ammonium peroxydisulfate (NH4)2S2O8 a.k.a. ammonium persulfate, 220 gram added to 1 liter of water and mix it until everything is dissolved. Theoretically it should be possible to etch slightly more than 60 grams of copper with 1 liter etching solution.Etching at ambient temperature might take over an hour, it is better to heat up the etching solvent to about 35-45 degrees Celcius. After an etching procedure it gradually becomes blue and more deeper blue - the chemical reaction creates dissolved copper sulfate CuSO4. Compared to other etching chemicals like hydrated iron (III) chloride FeCl3.6H2O a.k.a. ferric chloride or the combination of hydrochloric acid HCL and hydrogen peroxide H2O2, using ammonium peroxydisulfate is a clean and safe method.


lastly we get the circuit in etching PCB

fyp_week 7 : The result in oscilloscope

the result electronic stethoscope in oscilloscope.we test and find the waveform from circuit electronic stethoscope project. we get waveform and compare the theory waveform heart sound in the book.
the theory heart sound divide into cardiac with S1, S2, S3 and S4.
theory heart sound picture
 Primary heart sounds
first heart sound (S1)
-produced by closing effect of tricuspid and mitral valves. at the beginning of ventricular systolic.
-heart tone S1, forms the "lub" of "lub-dub"

second heart sound (S2)
-represents the vibrations as a result from closure of semilunar valves beginning the aortic valves and pulmonary valve.
-heart tone S2,  forms the "dub" of "lub-dub"

 Extra heart sounds
third heart sound (S3)
- result of tensing of the chordae tendineae during rapid filling and expansion of the ventricle.
-heart tone S3, from the "lub-dub-ta" or "slosh-ing-in"

fourth heart sound (S4)
- produced by the sound of blood being forced into a stiff/hypertrophic ventricle.
-heart tone s4, from the "ta-lub-dub" or "a-stiff-wall"

fyp_week 6 : The new circuit building

                   this is the picture of circuit building. my partner construct on the breadboard for testing. the circuit is are function and we transfer in PCB board. we will the post later result circuit electronic stethoscope in oscilloscope. 

fyp_week 5 : The new circuit diagram


this new circuit diagram. we be use to build final year project. we choice the new circuit diagram because
the previous circuit diagram could not find heartbeat from human. we be try this circuit first and will compare the output with the previous circuit. 

the components are:

 the component we be use in new circuit diagram. we buy the component at Jalan Pasar